In June 2022, Anna was diagnosed with ALS and given only 2 years to live.

Anna is the mother of 3 boys; Dalton age 12, Brody age 4 and Dane age 1. She always wanted to be a teacher and was a 7th grade school teacher in Brian County but recently had to resign due to her progressing ALS. Anna's husband and father to the three boys, Jason Lewis is also semi-disabled and unable to work full time. Without Anna's income as a teacher the family really needs some financial help to pay for everyday life essentials like food, clothing and utilities.

Anna has given so much to the community over the years as a school teacher and right now could really use your support! Thank you and God bless you for taking the time to consider helping the Lewis family.

You can help today by donating money via; Cash App, Venmo or Paypal.